
The incoming class currently is around 600 students.

There are a few issues with this large a class coming in. The first is housing.

Housing is being addressed with the following: * Lounges are being converted to quads or larger in Copeland and Platt. * Dorms in are being converted to fit 3 students instead of 2 in Stewart, Odell, and Copeland.

*A second issue is mailboxes. Three new sets of mailboxes have been installed in the hallway between the mailroom and the trailroom, but there still weren't enough when I was last heard.

*A third issue is classrooms, especially during thew hours when E&D will be in session. There are not enough classrooms to fit all the students at a given hour. Several teachers lounged are being converted into classrooms, and they may bring portables onto campus.

*Another issue with the large incoming class is The Bon. The Bon has a set limit on how many people can be in it at the same time; this limits is set by the fire marshall. A second limits is based on how many chairs are actually in The Bon. Apparently their are around 260 chairs in the Bon. This will lead to crowding at peak hours. It's unknown if we'll exceed the fire marshall's capacity limit.

*If the school has over 3,700 (I may be a bit off with that number) students enrolled between the 3 campuses (law, undergrad, and grad), the city requires L&C to renegotiate several city permits and contracts, increase the number of parking spots, allow for more entrances to campus, pay more to the city, etc... Last year there were around 3,400 students enrolled on those 3 campuses.

*A related issue is parking. Parking on campus will be much more difficult; there will not be enough spots for all students to own cars and to drive to campus. They may increase the cost of parking, but currently it's just going to be much more crowded and difficult for those with cars.

*Additionally, it will become more difficult to get into popular and/or required classes, as more students will be trying to enroll in those classes.

I'm sure that there are other issues with the large incoming class (for example, clubs, college outdoors, etc, will become more crowded. Dorms and buildings will have more occupants so may be more dirty for Skyline to clean). These are simply the ones that I'm currently aware of and have info on. Let me know if you've got any questions.

/r/LewisandClark Thread