Overprotective parenting is an issue that doesn't get enough attention

Playing video games does not make a childhood. Some might say that kids these days play way too much video games, with way too mature themes.

I'm a mom of 3. They are 8, 7 and 5. Some of the games my 7 & 8 year old say they played at a friend's house is...disturbing.

I have a grasp on video game content and a 40 year old husband that plays mature games. It's definitely not sheltering your kid by limiting games and content. Video games are like fucking crack for kids (and teens and adults). My 7 year old goes ballistic when it's time to stop. Like all emotional regulation is out the window.

In a decade more will come out about the damage or video games have on the brain. More than enough studies exist now that I wish more parents would check out.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread