Overseas Chinese vs Hong Kong

You conflate Xenophobia with Racism while at the same time showing little understanding of the fact that the whole 'locust' thing was describing an action not the people.

Nope, no misunderstanding there. You people ARE using name calling on mainlanders to show your racism toward Chinese.

Using the term 'locust' to describe the people who come to Hong Kong to consume / hoard everything they can get their hands on is a perfectly reasonable noun.

Sure, IF and only IF that's how they are doing it. But both you and I know that's not true now, is it?

Racism would be if they said "all Chinese people are locusts". Which didn't happen.

Yes it did, are you blind?

You also show little (local) knowledge of the fact that the "attacks on tourists" were photo opportunities created by agitators from the "loving caring HK" group.

You mean the time when Civic Passion groups kick old people on the back? Yep, "little (local) knowledge" alright.

Much of the recent CCP propaganda and 50 cent talking points remind me of when Israel says "that's anti-semitism" when you criticize their government policies.

Got any example of these "CCP propaganda and 50 cent talking points"? Or you are just pulling stuff out of your ass?

Has there been a Wumao / Hasbara cultural exchange?

What the fuck are you talking about? Oh wait, never mind. You have nothing meaningful to say so you just throw blank label around. BTW, your whole post have nothing to do with your quote:

Lack of critical thinking skills mixed with confirmation bias.

And it's fucking ironic you can't even see the quote apply to yourself to the "T". Notice all the empty labels you paste all over your post?

/r/HongKong Thread Parent