Overwatch Positivity

The reason Overwatch players are upset about Overwatch 2 is because they have a frame of reference.

That's all.

When someone types gg ez it sends an automated message instead.

You can easily replace e with Cyrillic е.

The ability to join team vc if I want to.

You should never do that.

The damage, healing and mitigation stats.

It used to be so much better when these things weren't public. Now you get that diff mentality.

Skins are less expensive

They literally used to be free. Aside from the initial game purchase of course.

Getting into a game in at max 4 minutes. 10 minute queues

Maybe in lower ranks. Currently I'm waiting 4 minutes while typing this comment. And I routinely have to wait 10 minutes, 15, 20, even 30 or 40. It's open queue but still.

Personalized shops

I don't see it as a benefit. I don't even want to buy skins and I definitely don't want Blizzard attempting to sell me old Overwatch skins $15 a pop.

Less toxicity. I see a lot of people complaining about toxicity.

I stopped going to the voice chat entirely. And most of the time these days I even hide the chat box.

/r/Overwatch Thread