Overwatch Sunday #1 (Grand Re-Opening!)

Hmm, so here goes my fairly average 5 cases:

1) T side Dust2. Blatant wallhacker, prefiring people 100% of the time, even when they are in the dumbest spots (CT guarding dropped bomb by standing in the middle of the tunnel exit to B) or behind doors where he could not know about them.

2) CT side Mirage. Clean. Weirdest report I have ever seen, this guy did absolutely nothing to be reported for. He hit no flashy shots, his KDA was negative, his team was losing hard, so really no idea how he got to OW unless envious kids reported him for having some medium-tier skins like StatTrak Basilisk. But maybe it is good even such people get to OW now. It means so many reports get there it is less likely a cheater will go by unnoticed and the innocents will be easily cleared of all charges.

3) T side Nuke. Clean until buying Tec-9 is finally considered an aim assistance. This guy rushed through doors to vents and then either ramp or outside 3 rounds in a row with CTs not noticing until they got headshotted from behind, since they decided to employ some next level tactics and play retake upper or some shit.

4) T side Mirage. Blatantly blatant wallhacker. One of those sad bronze players who cannot get a kill even with wallhack and prefiring everything until they have an AWP. Highlight was when he got knifed in the face while he was busy trying to get a kill through a 3 metre strong wall. So, see you later (in casual and OW), I guess.

5) CT side Overpass. Clean, smelled like smurf. Had no skins, but had volume turned on which makes him an anomaly in nova. His only nova moment was when as a guy playing connector he decided the best way to react to B rush on pistol was by going through T spawn. Outside of that a lot better player than us in nova, knew how to control CZ spray even at mid-range and apparently heard about radar too.

/r/GlobalOffensive Thread