Own Your Shit Weekly - August 04, 2015

I have more shit than I'd like to admit. I'm working on a couple right now.
I started lifting heavily recently. I love it. Stress goes away for a bit, I feel strong. It has been what the doctor ordered. My biggest shit bag is the victim mentality. I never thought I had it, but after being on this site for a while I have some of it and want to get rid of it. It affects my life ever week. I have a few big changes going on in my life right now, and with each one I think I could have made it all smoother had I taken control of the situation when they happened years ago and not acted the victim. I'm currently dealing with a career change, planning to move to another state, I currently live 20 mins away from inlaws so discussing moving is a pain in my ass. These are the big ones and I can now finally see they are in my life because of prior poor decisions I made. I'm now trying to learn how to fix these and change these issues in my life I've lived with and just accepted before. I no longer accept them and am now trying to figure out how to solve them.
My wife thinks I'm nuts half the time now because I'm changing how I do everything. I know she gets freaked out sometimes, sometimes in a good way sometimes not.
I'm tackling the career thing by selling my business. I already started a new one but I cannot dive into it until old one is gone.

Moving thing- I bring it up to my wife. Most of the time she quietly gets upset and tries to change the conversation. Sometimes she argues. But she, I think, already realizes I'm doing this no matter what. But it creates shit storms every time. I wish I were better at this, but it's probably because I haven't been alpha for at least 10 yrs, I've lost it over time, it's a bitch trying to get it back. So, that's me and currently my biggest issues. I'm on the course and I keep telling myself I'm not going back. I already made the choice to walk down his road. I am happier with myself already. I think when I get better control of all this the happiness will spread and make my wife happier too, but this change right now is making it rough on our relationship.
Anyways that's me and my big shit I'm owning and fixing.

/r/marriedredpill Thread