Owner of service provider at the center of massive Eve Online drama responds in /r/sysadmin, getting nothing but downvotes and hate

Ok well first you have to know that I am an attractive woman. I was 21 at the time. I didn't want to go but my boyfriend really wanted to and wouldn't go alone.

There was a party on the rooftop of one of the casinos. I had a lot of fun. It was actually super cool. Except I was stared at nonstop. You can imagine that not a lot of young women were there. I was waiting for drinks, looking out onto the fountains, when I felt a finger on my shoulder. It dragged from my right shoulder to my back. I turned around, expecting maybe my boyfriend, and found instead a typical overweight, pale, sweaty and drunk middle aged man who then proceeded to hook his finger up and wave me over to him. I just stared at him. I don't remember what he wanted but I'm pretty sure I declined whatever it was.

I approached their glorious leader and asked him to come meet my boyfriend (he really wanted to meet him). He was super nice about it and came over to see him happily. I was impressed with how nice he was. But he did have a constant possy of at least 4 guys, one of them was a very, very large dude who was quiet and pretty intimidating.

Then my boyfriend got pretty wasted. Which is fine. He doesn't do it often. But when my boyfriend gets drunk, he turns into a giant child. We went to an after party. Then another one. It was closing on 1 am (which is 3 am to my body because time zone), and I was getting pretty tired. My boyfriend found a drunk friend and they proceeded to have the same conversation over and over again about a bottle of liquor and some scooters.

We get on an elevator for yet another party. I was practically begging my boyfriend at this point to come to bed with me. I wasn't going to leave him alone drunk in Vegas, but it was 2 am and I was exhausted. He told me one more party. Another EVE player on the elevator told me I could go to bed with him instead.

So we get to the next party and I stopped outside the door, arguing with my boyfriend about going to bed. All of the sudden their leader comes out of the door, says "Hey FartingWhooper, you really don't want to go in there. We're going to get something to eat downstairs if you want to come."

My boyfriend was all on board with that. So we go to the casino diner. Boyfriend gets some noodles and I get a small Mongolian beef (may favorite). Boyfriend promptly falls asleep in his noodles. We were in a booth so I was absolutely trapped between wall and boyfriend. Some guy spills his life secrets to me in the casino diner at 3 am until 5 am. Tells me all about his ex wives for two hours. Finally the Glorious Leader leaves and the party breaks up.

I take boyfriend to bed and get to sleep around 6 am. We had to check out that morning at 11.

Boyfriend had a really terrible Sunday between his hangover and how salty I was about the night before.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com