In a packed Senate chamber with colleagues / staff just feet away from him, Rand Paul refuses to put on a mask, putting the health of everyone around him at risk. So Sherrod Brown calls him out

Ive read down your comment thread. Let's imagine for a moment that your opinion to just let the relatively small group of people die is wildly unpopular and selfish... just assuming.

If you were to go along with the lockdowns and wore masks(you and all the other people with, lets assume, selfish beliefs).... the people with the "mainstream" belief that we shouldnt let people die would have stopped hounding you about this already. Because we would have been fucking done with it.

Aside from that, the issue isnt the survival rate. Its that we would overrun our hospitals with the amount of severe symptoms without reducing the spread. Overrun hospitals would have caused the survival rate to plummet, and people with other conditions would have died in droves, too.

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