Paladin player here. Feeling a bit out-of-my-league at Tier 4 adventures.

The thing about D&D is EVERYONE should have their place. You NEED weaknesses and can't be good at everything. When one party member is straight up better at everything then another it doesn't make it fun. It makes people quit or reroll. Everyone should have their role.

I agree. And that's why I'm having trouble with the casters rendering melee useless with their fancy spells. The martials don't really feel all that needed. I'm using myself as the primary example, but if you read my post carefully you can see the martials are mass-rerolling again due to the power-spike.

When them casters come up against enemies with dispel magic which removes polymorph and counter spell you will be back up there as King of the party as a wizard can't take the hits you can when his magic is being shut down.

Heh, DM actually tried that once or twice, but over half the party has counterspell so it didn't work. And again, even if it did, lots of good protective spells are level 1 and trigger as a reaction. So they can take a hit or two if needed (especially with False Life and a party full of people with heal/buff spells).

Maybe try focusing on the roleplay elements of D&D and playing your class to its strengths instead of asking your DM to change your class levels so you can own all the bosses on your own again.

That's one of the things that's not working out too well either, because of the new wave of rerolling. I think my character is one of the only 2 or 3 who didn't change characters from the start. From my character's perspective, all their martial friends are leaving the party and more and more full-casters (their replacements) are joining. It creates an in-universe disconnect and builds self-doubt. It has been fun RPing it for the past couple weeks, but it's starting to feel a bit too real to be fun to play it. Because that's kinda what I'm feeling as well about the game and it's starting to be less fun in and out of character.

I might be a bit harsh with this but with you saying others quit or rerolled while you were fine with outshining everyone else it comes across like you care more about being the most powerful player who can do everything rather then working with everyone so they all have their role within the party even if it means they are better then you at doing things.

This is something that might not have come across right, with my mind being kinda in rant-mode. I cared a lot about the others rerolling (nobody left, thankfully). I deliberately avoided smites and tried to cast Bless or something to start combat with, so the other classes would get some good turns of damage in. The rationing of smites during the adventuring day is probably what made me so well-suited to destroy bosses, come to think of it.

The people who did re-roll, most often, did it to optimize their character (at least half of the martials who said I had melee covered hadn't optimized too much, and their new characters were just improved versions of their last ones) or because they wanted to try out some of the cool spells too (that's kinda why we ended up with so many spellcasters).

It's just another power-spike that the casters hit, and that is kinda rendering other classes even less useful than they were previously.

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