Pandemic = no work = no purchases = no purpose

You may get a bit of choice around how you live your life. Lots of people around the world have no choice at all in how they live.

For example, by reducing the amount of stuff you consume, you need less income.

That then may, or may not lead to you being able to reduce the amount of hours that you work.

You can try to live near to your work, so that you spend less time commuting, or can cycle to work, which makes your commute into a fun, healthy activity, rather than a grind.

You can immerse yourself mindfully into activities, so that rather than seeing them as a grind, you can see satisfaction in doing them well.

You can make use of lunchtimes, mornings and evenings to do creative and enjoyable things that make your life feel fulfilling.

Having lots of cheap shit doesn't even feel nice. It just feels hollow and dissatisfying. It just leaves you wanting the next fix.

What are the things in life that do leave you feeling really satisfied to the core?

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