PapaSmurf On The State of OWL Pro PUGs

Does this make sense:

I'm an NBA player, and I want to get together with a couple dozen other NBA players and play some informal, but still competitive, basketball games. And I want to air it on TV, and make money for myself and the other players from the ads that will air. And I want to explicitly market these for-profit games as featuring NBA players and their respective teams. I will use NBA branding, and my team's branding, and I will boost views for these for-profit games off the back of marketing work done by the NBA and my team.

And I don't think the NBA should have any say over whether I can do this. I don't think the NBA or my team is owed any money from these for-profit games.

Does this sound right? I'm really looking for an honest discussion on this. I don't think people are considering what OWL is trying to be, or what streaming actually is.

These aren't just dopey kids trying to have a good time (they are that, but also....), they are professionals who are wanting to make money (from streaming - ads, subs, etc.) off of work done by Blizzard (and the various orgs), without any input from Blizzard, OWL, the orgs -- and without paying those entities from profits made off the back of OWL.

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