Was it paranormal?

Note: The words paranormal, supernatural, and metaphysical are often used to dismiss claims implicating a non-physical reality offhand. None of these terms are indeed accurate or necessary, as if these phenomena are indeed real (and many scientists believe they are), they are normal, natural, and physical, in that they are governed by laws of physics, though it would now become apparent that those laws extend into nonphysical phenomena.

If I had to recommend three links for you to visit, they would be:

This one: http://skeptiko.com -- the author does in-depth interviews with leading proponents and skeptics of controversial science. These are the best one-on-one discussions of the evidence all the way down to the finest details I've found anywhere. The podcasts are all written up, and you can just read the transcripts. There is a wide variety of topics, so just choose one that appeals to you and ignore the rest.

This one: http://blavatskyarchives.com/zeteticism.htm -- This page gives a long list of links to peer-reviewed studies and a thorough, rational critique of the "skeptical" movement in science. If nothing else, read it.

and This one: http://www.deanradin.com/evidence/Radin2004Presentiment.pdf -- This is a paper by Dean Radin on pre-sentiment. Subjects were shown to have significant responses to stimuli before the stimuli appeared. This version of the paper includes replicated studies (totaling 4,569 trials) and seeks the input of six experts in other fields, including physics, some of whom are skeptics, in order to try to find holes in the methodology. (see p.19)

BONUS: http://amasci.com -- this site is written by an extremely knowledgeable guy. He has established himself as an expert among skeptical science redditors well enough to have become a partial mod in /r/askscience, and takes a very reasoned and intellectually honest look at anything "weird" and anomalous. His site also has thorough resources for critiquing the "skeptical" movement in science. Here's his section on parapsychology: http://amasci.com/weird/wpara.html

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