Parents didn't take you to the doctor?

I remember vividly when I was 13 my parents let me sit with bronchitis, a double ear infection and eventually pink eye for about two months. I spent every waking minute coughing shit up, I lost hearing during that time from the fluid behind my ear drums, and the thing that prompted them to finally take me to a doctor was the pink eye. We had insurance, it's not like we couldn't afford it.

Then a few months later my symptoms of anemia showed up, and once again they didn't listen to me until I started passing out at school and missed the last two weeks, came back out the last day, passed out again. Then admin pulled my Dad aside and told him he had to take me to the doctor.

A few months ago I had an upper endoscopy done, since I've had issues choking my whole life. Come to find out I have extensive damage that probably wouldn't be there if they had taken me to a doctor when I was young. As an adult I now have extensive health issues, that they tell me are all in my head despite the fact I literally had heart surgery.

Makes me so angry.

/r/CPTSD Thread