Parents of Reddit: What was the worst thing your kid/s ever did that made you momentarily wish you didn't have kids?

So this kid started beating up my son (he’s six) and throwing him to the ground my eldest (she’s 12) stepped in the boy hit her twice she grabbed his necklace and hit him so hard he started crying. Then they came back and my other child (she’s 8) told me what happened I had to go down to the park to apologise on behalf of my children. Later I found out that some wanker had put it on Facebook and there was this one comment “OMG a fight I have to go see if my daughter alright” a buch of replies said oh is she alright she only went and put “yes thank you so much for your support she is fine but she was crying because the boy was crying” this made my eldest create a Facebook account and put I’m so glad that your daughter is alright you wanker

/r/AskReddit Thread