Parents of Reddit, what's something that your kid has done that you pretended to be angry about but secretly impressed or amused you?

I have a two year old, so most of the things he does are milestones-in-development or actual milestones that need some pruning or guidance.

Some examples:

  • I'll occasionally throw out a bunch of math or scientific facts at my son when we're driving in the car. They make him laugh. I once told him that the circumference of a circle was 2(pi)(r) and that pi was 3.144444444444444444. When I said the "44444" part, I would say "fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa" to make him laugh.

We went to the mall and saw a person in a wheelchair near us. My son points and says, "That's a wheelchair!" I told him, "Yes, son, that's a wheelchair." The person smiled and waved. My son said, "It has wheels! Like a car!" "Yes, son, it has wheels like a car." "Wheels are circles! Two pie Arr where pie is three point fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa!"

So I was incredibly impressed and amused but had to give him a little talk about respect. Not angry though.

  • A second story - My son learned that he could move kitchen chairs and climb on them to reach things that were too high such as where we keep the remotes. I was REALLY cranky after a long day and he got ahold of the remote using a kitchen chair.

I took it from him and tossed it in a kitchen cabinet, which was luckily where we kept plastic cups.

He couldn't reach the cabinet with the kitchen chair, so I thought I had won. But no, clever little guy went to his bathroom and got his step stool and placed it on the kitchen chair and somehow balanced himself to reach the cabinet.

But he was still too short to reach where the remote was, so he just swiped all of the plastic cups out of the cabinet onto the floor.

I was aggravated but happy my son at two years old figured out how to troubleshoot while risking his life for the things he really wanted.

/r/AskReddit Thread