Parents who believe in spankings or hitting as a punishment why do you believe it is right? Parents who dont why are you against it?

I'm(31M) a parent of two(4F and 1M).

I'm in no way against spanking, but I do feel as if it is an overused punishment.

I don't spank my children, but that is because my wife and I handle our children's dicpline without it fine, so far...

I also don't buy into the reasons people list as to why is is bad. I'm sure for many children it is a horrible approach to discipline, but my parents raised me with corporal punishment and I think it is one of the MAIN reasons I've turned out the way I am.

I don't know any other way to say it other than this, but when I was a child, I was a mean, stubborn little shit.

My parents spanked me all the time, never abusive or anything, just as a method of punishment and very controlled.

I can also say that it was the only form of intervention they had that could even alter my behavior.

They tried so many things to curb my behavior and I rebutted everything. I was such a little shit that it makes me sad.

But it did straighten out my behavior eventually.

I also am not some adult who thinks violence is the solution to everything. Ive never even started any type of physical altercation in my entire life, so I dont but the bullshit that spanking makes you aggressive or attribute everything with violence.

But my older sister and brother, who were never spanked or treated as I was, are horrible and violent people. They werent even around when I was getting spanked. My patents raised them in a much more politically correct way, and they are horrible human beings.

If I felt I needed to spank my children I would. As it is though, I can control them both just fine without it, so why bother.

I do think it is overused, especially with inconsistent and lazy parents, but I dont think it is 100% inherently wrong.

/r/Parenting Thread