Do you think parents who force their kids to play sports are assholes?

Yes and No.

For the 9 years I played pee wee soccer it was an up and down hell.

The first couple of years were great because I was actually sorta good compared to the other 4 year olds around me and in 2md grade playing sports really helped me with my depression. However once I hit 3rd grade it went downhill. There were times when my dad thought I wasnt "trying hard enough" when playing, so when I got home he would make me round around the garden a 100 times or so.

However 4th and 5th grade were good again until that last season i played when the coach never played me and I got kicked in the balls.

It gives you exercise when you're young and brings you outdoors when in modern times many kids are glued to phones or are lonely with no friends.

But alot of times parents take the whole "this is a kids game" to far and treat you like if you dont win with scoring 27 goals they will chop off your penis

Thank you for listening to my TED talk.

/r/teenagers Thread