Park Ranger Jessica Rabbit by Momokurumicosplay

then maybe the photographer should have picked a different spot to take the shot...or cleaned up the shit.

What I offered was a criticism OF THE PHOTO. The fact that you choose to interpret that as a complaint is your ignorance alone.

Its still an objectively BAD SHOT of a beautiful woman. If you cannot admit that you are either blind, know nothing of photography or you love asymmetry and odd mutant legs

I know its really hard for you to resolve basic facts...but everything you just ascribed to my generation wasnt done by my generation. I dont know how you missed it but pretty much every article that isnt about how much you brats are fucking things up talking about how the BABY BOOMERS did ALL of that. If you dont boomers werent born in the late 60s or early 70s.

My generation is just starting to slide into seats of power. Whatever fucking up the country we do is yet to come.

Good luck. Enjoy your bliss!

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