Parkland School - SECOND Student Admits to Drills on day of Shooting - Told to expect "fake screams" and "bodies being taken out". This is very strange if you ask me. Staged drill gone live? Timestamp included. Many new people on this sub telling you to stop looking into this "wacko" conspiracy!

And you think that an entire high school of kids, countless witnesses on the scene, all of the cops/ambulance, parents fearing for the kids, what all of them are just in on it and covering it up?? That’s the dumb thing about this conspiracy shit. People love to talk and gossip, especially teenagers god knows, how tf are they going to keep such a cover-up and have all of these witnesses?? As if nobody who was actually there would fess up to seeing something out of the ordinary. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I can only imagine being a parent who lost a kid that day seeing all the dumb shit people are writing here about this all being fake. How disgusting.

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