Parrot color “morphs”?

I have usually heard them referred to as different mutations, which gives teenage mutant ninja turtle vibes.

I have a "normal" green cheek, a Turquoise and a Pineapple. I have not heard of any significant differences in health between the more common mutations (could include Yellow-sided, Cinnamon etc here). The desire for crossing mutations, such as Turquoise-Yellowsided or Turquoise Cinnamon for example, might help present genetic decline in lines but that's not my area of expertise.

I would imagine the conditions birds have been reared in (nurture vs nature) will likely be a much bigger concern for most buyers, such as individuals sold at large pet-shops or from neglectful breeders.

As an aside I was told at one point that turquoise green cheeks are usually larger than normal or other mutations, however mine is the smallest of my three boys with the pineapple the most significant chonk.

/r/parrots Thread