Part 2 of My Guide To Hedgefundie's Portfolio for FIRE/FatFire/WhaleFire

People complain about the boring middle here all the time, there's nothing new to learn. Something actually interesting, could potentially help their efforts to fire, challenges assumptions, and even if it's not for you helps to broaden your understanding of how investing works comes along and.... backlash.

The thing about this sub is the basic tenets espoused here are so solid that it creates this dogmatic following. Are you taking risks? You're a fool. Do you have some individual stocks, crypto, unusual etf's? You're a gambler and I'm a retirer.

Obviously there has been some warm reception to these posts. There are some intelligent posters here that, even if they disagree, can appreciate thoughtful discussion. The rest of these cats are just dumb.

/r/financialindependence Thread Parent