Part of being an alcoholic is making it seem like you are drunk less often than you really are

This is probably not going to be read since its been like 15 hrs since this was posted but i have something i need to get off my chest: im an alcoholic. I just realized it today. I drink everyday. I make sure no one knows. I make sure i seem "normal" im probably the best liar you have ever known. I started drinking at an early age like every other young american. At partys, trying to be cool, it was an ever wed through sunday affair. Monday, i would clean up, tuesday i would recuperate, and thursday, the binge would begin all over again. Im a highly functioning alcoholic so that is why it took me so long to realize that this pattern was not ok, specially since i was the cool guy who always brings booze to parties.

I started drinking at school.

Then it was no longer wed thru sun. It was every day.

I got a job. I was drunk at my interview. I drank dvery day at work. This shit was normal to me.

Then i developed a system where i wont come down and at the same time, i wont get a hangover. So i tested my limits. My threshold was high. So i inevitably went to th ER after this. I drank 33 1/2 beers that night.

Eventually i figured out that if i drink 2 1/2( or 2 shots of whatever spirit) beers every 1 1/2 hr id be drunk and no hangover.

Ive kept this system up for as long as i can remember. Over the years, ive had to slowly increment the dose because it felt like i was coming down from it.

I got to a point where i started shivering and panicking because i felt a sobering chill down my spine. Everything started to hurt and i wasnt prepared for no alcohol.

Even when i sleep, i wake up to drink. I sleep 5 to 6 hours. I work nights and dont do much else, my job is pretty demanding, so i can drink all day without anyone telling me anything.

im scared . I dont know what to do anymore because my body feels like its going die.

Im 23 yrs old. Im young. Yet i feel 78. Every day i wake up, i have a headache and nausea. I smoke weed for that.

I need help but im too afraid to ask for it because i know my body is not what should be like. It feels like theres rot iniside me.

I dont know how to stop. But i dont want to stop. But i should stop.

I never thought this would be me.

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