The particular hell of watching privilege and oppression language misappropriated to prop up capitalism/hegemonic power/corporate power

'Among the medical students a group formed. We all regarded medicine as a religion, and we called ourselves the Society of Reason. We saw the doctors of the world uniting to form a scientific and ethical elite. We should be in every land and every government. Moral supermen who would eradicate all demagogy, all self-seeking politicians, reaction, chauvinism. We published a manifesto. We held a meeting in a cinema in Neuilly. But the Communists got to hear of it. They called us Fascists and wrecked the cinema. We tried another meeting in another place. This was attended by a group who called themselves the Militia of Christian Youth - Catholic ultras. Their manners, if not their faces, were identical with those of the Communists. Which was what they termed us.' -- The Magus by John Fowles

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