Passing a stopped school bus should be automatic lifetime license revoked - kid has a close call

If you live less than 2 miles away from your school you don’t get a bus ride in Norway.

Then you have to walk to school. In rain, in darkness, in snow, ice, sleet and sunny days.

However, drivers are taught to be careful on school roads and kids are taught how to stay off the side of the road and always use reflective vests and/or dangling reflector chips you can put in your pockets.

This link shows kids going to school. Schools, private companies, police and many others will give these reflector vests to children for free. Again, it is about a culture where safety comes first and everyone is onboard with it.

Walkjng in the dark to get to a bus or school can be done completely safely, but takes both teaching the kids how to behave in traffic from they are small as well as teaching drivers to slow the hell down during school hours on school roads.

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