Passion vegans of Reddit, why do you feel the need to convert us carnivores?

Personally, I don’t push stereotypes onto anyone else. I know facts, I asked the question because I have had this issue with multiple passionate vegans.

Pushing the idea that some meat eaters chose to behave in that way you’re describing doesn’t excuse treating me as an individual based on the action of a other people. When are pushing your own assumptions and entering a discussion how is that meant to work?

It’s not naive to believe everyone is capable of have a discussion. It doesn’t need to end in animosity, i personally will still approach the discussion in the same way. I cannot speak for other meat eaters, but I can speak for people like me regardless of their stance. I’m just as enthusiastic that doesn’t give me the right to tell someone else their way of life is wrong.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent