Paste whatever's on your clipboard for all the world to see!

I was working on css earlier. Its still on the clipboard. Enjoy

/* Wacky reddit theme by /u/jacksalssome */

        /*X         /*//

/* CSS 3 */

/---------------------- Transparency Wooo! ----------------------/

a { background-color: transparent; }

.side a { background: transparent !important; }

/--------------------------- Font size and color related ----------------------------/

h1.wikititle { font-size: 50px; }

.side .subscribe-button.fancy-toggle-button.toggle a { color: #369 !important; }

.side .linkinfo, .side .linkinfo .number, .side .linkinfo .word, .side .titlebox { font-size: 12px; background: transparent; }

.sidebox.create .morelink a, .RESCharCounter, .commentingAs, .submit-page .roundfield #suggested-reddits,


header-bottom-right .userkarma,

.side .linkinfo .shortlink, .side .subscribe-button.fancy-toggle-button.toggle a, .side .subButtons span, .side .subscribers, .side .users-online, .side .leavemoderator, .side .titlebox .toggle, .tagline, body .side .title, .side .sidecontentbox, .account-activity-box, .tagline, .flat-list, .bottommenu, .submit-page .roundfield #suggested-reddits,


.tagline, .comment .author, .menuarea, .flat-list.buttons, .panestack-title , .panestack-title .title { font-size: 10px !important; color: black; background-color: transparent !important; }

header-bottom-left a {

color: white !important;
font-size: 1.1em;


.md h1, .commentarea h1, .wiki-page-content .md h1 { font-size: 1.6em !important; font-weight: bold; }

.md h2, .commentarea h2, .wiki-page-content .md h2 { font-size: 1.4em; font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic; } .md h3, .commentarea h3, .wiki-page-content .md h3 { font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; }

/---------------------- Misc/General ----------------------/

body { background-color: #BBB; color: #000000; -webkit-animation-name: example2; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera / -webkit-animation-duration: 64s; / Chrome, Safari, Opera */ animation-name: example2; animation-duration: 64s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; height: 100%; }

@keyframes example2 { 0% {background-color:#FDFDEE;} 25% {background-color:#F0FDEE;} 50% {background-color:#f6eefd;} 75% {background-color:#FDEEEE;} 100% {background-color:#FDFDEE;} }

.organic-listing { border: 0; margin: 5px 0px 5px 0px; }

.organic-listing .link { padding-left: 10px; } /* reddit companion + sticky announcements fix */ html { position: relative; }

/* reddit has a weird mix of round corners, since I am not a big fan of them anyway they got to go. This is the easiest way to make sure they are all gone */ * {


.tabmenu li.selected a { border: 0 !important; }

/* H1, H2, H3 as well as some other headings */ .md h1, .commentarea h1, .wiki-page .wiki-page-content .md .wiki h1, .sidecontentbox .title h1, .submit-page .title, .submit_text h1, .md h2, .commentarea h2, .wiki-page .wiki-page-content .md .wiki h2, .flairselector h2, .md h3, .commentarea h3, .wiki-page .wiki-page-content .md .wiki h3 { color: #000000 !important; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: normal !important; line-height: initial; display: block; padding-left: 2px; margin: 5px 0px; }

.infobar { border: 0; }

.content { margin: 0; }

body .content .sitetable .thing.spam, body .sitetable { border: solid 2px #FA8072 !important; }

body .content .sitetable .thing.spam, body .sitetable { border: solid 2px #FA8072 !important; }

/* Make distinguished users stand out more (mods, op and friends) */ .tagline .author.submitter { color: white !important; background-color: #0055df !important; font-weight: bold !important; border-radius: 0px !important; padding: 0px 2px !important; }

.tagline .author.moderator { color: white !important; background-color: #228822 !important; font-weight: bold !important; border-radius: 0px !important; padding: 0px 2px !important; }

.tagline .author.friend { color: white !important; background-color: #FF4500 !important; font-weight: bold !important; border-radius: 0px !important; padding: 0px 2px !important; }

.tagline .author.submitter, .tagline .author.moderator, .tagline .author.friend { color: #fff !important;

/* Spoiler tags */ a[href$="#spoiler"] { background: #5F99CF !important; color: #5F99CF !important; border: 1px solid #5F99CF; padding-right: 1px; }

a[href$="#spoiler"]:hover { color: #FFF !important;

/r/InternetIsBeautiful Thread Link -