Pastor admits to adultery then the 16 year old he had an affair with confront him during service. Watch the reaction of his congregation

No see. It doesn't matter. That man raped that women (child). The fact that they are allowing him to remain in the same room as them says and shows enough. Fuck Religion and anyone who follows it. All its ever been is a tool to control. Please feel free to check literally ANY period in the history of humanity for a reference. Move forward...LOL. Those people are so gone that I am surprised they can take a breath without their "pastor" telling them when. Don't forget the tip jar on your way "forward." Ol God all mighty. All seeing, All knowing...Just terrible with money - George Carlin. I wish someone would have told me I could make a fortune off being what is basically a shitty used car salesman. Actually being a pastor would be even easier. You can explain it all away with "space magic". I really missed my calling.

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