Pastor's Gay Slur on Whole Foods Cake Was Put There By Him

I'm really not. Ask Brendan Eich, former CEO of Mozilla...

Ask bakers, florists, photographers across western society who have no problem serving LGBT clients, they just object to participating in the ceremonies....but are publicly vilified and ruined.

Or the employees at JP Morgan who were recently made to take a non-anonymous employee survey where questions included were "are you an ally to the LGBT community?".

Or the people of NY who face fines up to $250k if they use the wrong 'pronouns'.

Or the American Psychiatric Association - In Chapter 4, "Diagnostic Politics: Homosexuality and the American Psychiatric Association," Dr. Bayer says that the first attack by homosexual activists against the APA began in 1970 when this organization held its convention in San Francisco. Homosexual activists decided to disrupt the conference by interrupting speakers and shouting down and ridiculing psychiatrists who viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1971, homosexual activist Frank Kameny worked with the Gay Liberation Front collective to demonstrate against the APA's convention. At the 1971 conference, Kamney grabbed the microphone and yelled, "Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a decleration of war against you."...more

Hey, I'm a live and let live kind of person...but living in NC and watching the state be basically ransomed by LGBT over the past couple of weeks...I find it troubling and aggressive. And putting together all of these pieces, the movement as a whole is very aggressive.

These things, combined with the OP...I mean, in the OP, if this guy did this at a small local bakery with no cameras or anything, their lives would be ruined. And as shown earlier in the thread, this fraud is not extraordinarily uncommon.

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