Pat Sajak, we're sorry dude - Wheel of Fortune

I’m sorry if this isn’t right to say, if I get downvoted so be it, but anyone else wondering why we haven’t heard Dan address anything about recent events? I’m someone who wondered if the whole allegations were some minus IQ Twitter smoothbrain starting a smear campaign and trying to stoke the Twitter outrage machine and of course it fucking was. Maybe Danny’s trying to find the right words to say, maybe he’s hoping that the outrage has gone we can move on. And I think many of us, including me, will.

It’s just when Arin’s done things, even recently, like:

Apologise to the furry community in SS because he thought it was purely a sexual kink group and they’re not all that.

When he acknowledged he was wrong about Chihiro being trans in Danganronpa (and tbf to Arin, when I played DR1 a few years ago, so a while after it had released, I thought the exact same)

And when he put up a short apology about misgendering and not knowing Eddie Izzard was trans (although iirc, Eddie does use he/him pronouns still but still cool of Arin)

So, yeah, maybe Dan is finding the words to say or maybe he won’t acknowledge it at all, either is cool with me, just surprised given the above we haven’t had a little 1 minute statement just for Dan to clear stuff up. Either way, still support my funnyman vidya gams boys!

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