Pat Stay Shoots Down Madflex Title Match Hopes

Hollohan was the one accused of having the white pride tattoo by Pat Stay. And I think Pat even said it wasn't true, he was just trying to shock value attack Hollohan with it during their battle

I'm not sure how you are on a battle rap related forum and don't get this but even though it's gotten better, battle rap as a whole is still highly homophobic.

Pause is still widely used, and rarely ironically or as a joke. Pause is said to specifically clarify that something one said does not mean they are homosexual. That is the level of fear and distance they want from anything that could be seen as homosexual. The word 'faggot' is still regularly used as an insult, equating gay people to being weak and something one does not want to be like.

You do not understand the nature of what battle rap is if you think almost any of the other top tier battlers would end their tweet with a rainbow/gay pride. They would very intentionally avoid doing so and rush to stop it if they were somehow being connected to it.

lol go start tweeting 'rainbow gay pride' at K-Shine or Calicoe or Dizaster and ask them to put it on their tweets. I'm sure that'll work great

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