“Path of Fire” devs here – ask us anything!

I know I'm late to this and I see a few posts talking about it but nothing pertained to WvW in particular. As of right now, condis are getting out of hand in WvW. You can literally mash buttons and do way more damage than pre-PoF. Is there any plan to help address this? More resistance applications? New food types? I feel like if you lower the condition stack counts on certain skills, you'll make a lot of them useless and we will just make a lot of elite specs worthless.

A big example of this was the recent change you guys made to Lore Master for Firebrand. Removing that 1 stack of burning down to a 20% increase in duration was a huge nerf but 100% necessary. There are still, however, a bunch of ways to stack insane amounts of conditions on players and it feels way too overwhelming. I get the expansion literally just came out and the meta needs to settle down but anyone with eyes should be able to see the problem we have right now. I'd just like to know how it might be addressed in the future.

/r/Guildwars2 Thread