Pathetic Behavior

Your insensitivity is ridiculous, I guess you were just above it all when you were in school. I had several friends struggle under this asshole and in that department in general. One of whom was legitimately triggered when this article came out. He's the type who told multiple of my friends that they will never be doctors, and guess what? 2 of them are at T25 schools now. It is unacceptable to behave the way he did. And part of the problem here is that NYU's standards were significantly higher than most other schools, and med schools don't care. They just want the student with the best grade. When my friends who took Jones' course did postbaccs or SMPs they excelled in orgo at other programs because the standards were remarkably lower, and like I said they are doing fine in med school/residency at this point.

/r/Residency Thread