The pathway to enlightenment is a pathway through hell? Bro you literally risked giving yourself permanent brain damage to avoid the sensation of withdrawal like 2 weeks ago???

The statement does have a point though. There is a big difference in appreciation, happiness and awareness among people. On the spectrum you have on one end those that are the happiest, living in the fools paradise of the unfallibility of the world around them, deeply emersed in the culture and its death denying functions. Their happiness has a childish ring to it. Chase fun, excitement and superficiality. Entertain yourself to death. Keep the dopamine flow running.

Yet happiness like all other things is a contrast occurrence. Happiness that surpasses the childish mindset is only reached through the valley of tears, of leaving your old childish concepts and perceptions of life. The adult should look life square in the eye without making himself any illusions about his own life or the state of the world.

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