Patriarchy, Familialism, Noble Houses, Royal Families and Eugenics...

I did say this was an oversimplified version

Jobs/Economy = Skills = Whatever tasks your family needs done to keep growing and maintain the Culture(oversimplified but you get the gist) everyone teaches everyone else Skills so the education is always hands on and eventually everyone learns how to do everything everyone else can do = Jack if all trades

Housing depends on Culture and Environment, for example, if you live in a desert, build those Arabian style Sand houses this way you don't need to trade with other cultures

Culture= Social Conditioning and Brainwashing, in the instance certain members of the family disagree, give them land and resources to start a new Bloodline and Subculture it's like cell division and cell differentiation but on a human scale

Health is Complex a Lion that attempts to live like a Bird will have issues because it hasn't evolved to live like a Bird basically illness and injury is a result of changing lifestyles faster than your body can adapt and catch up. You can see this with Native Americans forced to adapt to modern American Lifestyles

/r/intj Thread Parent