Patrice O'Neal breaks down Radiohead's "Creep"

It's a label because it needs to be. Millennials really are different. They bitch and moan at the office if they don't get promoted every year. Every rule and boundary is pointless and needs to be torn down and overcome.

The boomers love them because they are the boomers' grandchildren. They are the sons and daughters of the people that came of age in the Reagan years. Yeah Millennials, your parents are the people that Bret Easton Ellis warned us about.

And it's hilarious because the Millennials are going destroy their parent and grandparents' generations. As they gain power in business and government they are going to spend like crazy while running up debts they have no intention of repaying. Just like their student loans.

This is going to cause inflation to spike and the markets to crash, wiping out their parents and grand parents savings (but lets face it what savings).

Meanwhile the Gen Xers will stand around the fire keeping warm laughing about how funny ren and stimpy was.

/r/Music Thread Parent