Paul Krugman: Trump’s payroll tax cut is ‘the hydroxychloroquine of economic policy’

The loudest cries about social security are from democrats and people that have no understanding of how to invest their own money. At least, thats my experience with campaign ads and whom I hear complaining about it. 13% of what I make being put into "Trust" is losing money every year. Even If i had only my contribution to save and the employer match going in the fund, that money in the fund would be worth less. Because the Trust fund is the least growth potential vehicle and doesn't keep pace with inflation. If every American saved 13% from 18 years old to 68 years old, held it in index funds, without dividend reinvestment, we would all retire as multimillionaires.

But we dont. Many can't afford to, because we buy iPhones every year and $200 shoes for kids to outgrow or destroy.

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