Paweł Sasko, Lead Quest Designer for # Cyberpunk2077 is almost crying at the end of his game stream. He was very passionate about the game, but at the end of the stream something broke inside him...

Then we agree to disagree. We had opposite experiences. I'm sure we are both biased to an extent. I like lowsodium because people are friendly and on average appreciate/enjoy the game as much as I do. You dislike lowsodium for those very reasons.

Meanwhile I said specifically that this sub wasn't bad until high profile threads like this one, where hate boners erupt and the minges crawl out of the woodwork. I'd also think you'd have hard time denying how unfriendly this sub was towards people who expressed any positive opinion about the game when it came out.

Now; do you want to share the link to what you are talking about with the deleted posts? I can't find anything online about it, as far as I know you are just making this up. The only posts I've seen get deleted on lowsodium are antagonistic or accusatory in nature. It's lowsodium for a reason. Emotionally charged, antagonistic posts condemning lowsodium for being "bootlickers" are obviously going to get deleted.

Also if you metric of toxicity is getting downvoted then that's pretty sad. I was actually, actively, harassed for sharing a positive opinion on this sub. And your upset that you accrued.. 2 downvotes? I wasn't even the one downvoting you choomba. I rarely upvote or downvote anything.

But yea... Agree to disagree, enjoy ur day choomba

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