Pax mods banning any one not conforming to SJW ways.

Hey, I had this comment get caught in a spam filter in another subreddit (GGfreeforall) so I'm just testing if it's the comment itself or something to do with where I submitted it. It's a copypaste of another comment that I posted on KIA before without problems, maybe Reddit doesn't like a post with multiple links being posted by the same person multiple times? Or didn't like me editing it soon after it was posted? But I want to test to make sure there isn't some part of the post itself that triggers a filter now.

If this shows up as spam could you quickly test if it also gets spam-filtered if you copy-paste it? Post:

She participated in trying to organize the "helldumping" of some furry on the irc channel #pokegoons, which included his real name being hunted down and posted. There doesn't seem to have ever been an actual helldump thread though. Note Helldump itself wasn't all doxxing all the time, most of it was just mocking other SA posters. Won't link an archive since it still has the furry's name in there, but it's easy enough to find and it was on an old third-party website that hasn't been updated in years so the log is presumably real. Copypasting an old post on it:

She claims that her name on pokegoons was Eris:

During the conversation she uses the handles Eris, Erislaptop, and HonkIfYoureVorney. Some excerpts:

19:14.51 (@Bummey) Furry lives near me

19:14.53 (@Eris) grody you need any help?

19:14.55 (@Stalgren) why what happens in a few hours

19:15.03 (grody) nah i think i got everything i need ;)'

19:15.08 (@Eris) awesome.

19:15.09 (Shavnir) you guys setting him up for ban evasion or getting the helldump thread ready

19:15.10 (TheMattybee) glad to be of service B)

19:15.14 (@Eris) helldump

The find his name:

19:26.24 (ErisLaptop) I need the livejournal link too

19:26.31 (grody) http://[REMOVED]

19:26.36 (ErisLaptop) thanks>

19:26.43 (selmoatse) Occupation: McDonalds Employee

19:26.46 (selmoatse) :(

19:26.47 (@Stalgren) Eris. Furry Archivist

19:26.57 ·· join: StarMan (~[email protected])

19:27.15 (grody) wait

19:27.19 (grody) he's TWENTY EIGHT YEARS OLD

19:27.24 (grody) and works at a fucking mcdonalds?

19:27.30 (grody) i bet he still lives with his parents

19:27.30 (@Stalgren) Rirse 2: The rirsening

19:27.31 (ErisLaptop) ahahahahaha

19:27.31 (selmoatse) yes

19:27.39 (ErisLaptop) Stalgren: I do it so you don't have to

19:27.45 (@Stalgren) Taking one for the team

19:27.58 (Unagi) ooo

19:28.03 (Unagi) i found one of his other emails/usernames

19:28.09 (ErisLaptop) plz share

19:28.09 (Unagi) [REMOVED] or [REMOVED]

19:28.20 (grody) real name: [REMOVED]

19:28.26 (grody) [REMOVED]

19:28.29 (selmoatse) internet detectives itc


20:42.06 (ErisLaptop) I'm helping someone bust a furry you go do it

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