Pay a YouTube channel to promote my music channel

Ads in the videos are annoying.. but the other month I tested out ads on the right side above suggestions. Was getting it going. But, to get the 1 cent a click, was just anything, wherever with no keywords. Same display ad size. Was showing up on youtube channels videos though that had lots of subscribers. Tests of limiting to youtube only was kind of stalled out. But just normal campaigns with the whole world, no keywords, like I want.. was like, oh.. check placement and was showing up on some in the mix anyways, at 1 cent a click, so kinda neat.

Not sure if you can pay some kind of schmuck who has fans, to promote your stuff, but that'd just be ignored. If you look at the ratio of even if a channel has however many subscribers, to how many views their videos get, it's kinda shocking. Like 1m subscribers, 10k views over several days. Nobody cares anymore.

If you're talking about anything to do with music, with a genre, they aren't interested in, divide that to 10% less. lol. Betcha if some top youtuber made a whole video, going, check out this guy's crap, you'd get 10k plays. lol. Everybody's attention is so fragmented in recent years. Nobody cares and if they did, the next day you'd be out like what goes on with what gets upvotes here or imgur.

/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers Thread