Paying for supervision outside of agency.

I started off with free supervision from the LCSW at my (hospice) agency. That was nice, especially when I had a question in the middle of the workday.

Then same LCSW retired from the agency and opened her own private therapist shop. She had previously promised to be my supervisor until the end, but working on her own, she needed the money, so we re-negotiated what I would pay, which ended up being $20 per session. This was a very small fee and I was happy to pay it.

I moved away at the halfway point and tried to contact her to finalize the paperwork from her (which should have been done earlier, but anyway). That was when things turned south as she insisted that we had done it and I knew that we hadn't and had the distinct lack of paperwork to prove it. She eventually did it, but things got hairy.

I found a new supervisor through an online source and contacted her. I now pay $45 per session with this supervisor. She is not affiliated in any way with my agency. I feel like we 'click' better than the previous supervisor. I'm a little over 75% done with supervisions now.

Insights: Make sure you get the paperwork finalized before switching supervisor. Document everything!

I have a little blank journal-type book that I use to document every single supervision session. It has the date, my signature, supervisor's signature, how much I paid, and what we talked about. Just before quitting my 1st supervisor, there was a major problem that went down with a potential dual relationship with a client, and I told supervisor about it and she told me to quit the relationship with the client altogether, and what to say basically. I documented EVERYTHING that happened with that client over the course of about a week as he did not take it well and proceeded to harass me by phone and text. I'm not proud of it, but glad that it happened while I had a supervisor watching.

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