PC Gamer Show: Why are MOBAs the dominant genre?

Honestly you sound like an average player that's trying to spread his shitty gospel and simultaneously forget that he's bad.

I think your definition of "skill" primarily involves "the ability to made good decisions" rather than "physical dexterity"

Depends on the game, LoL takes far less physical dexterity to be good at it than FPS games do, because LoL does not feature a major system that relies on dexterity.

It's kinda weird to say a game is "easy" when there can only be one victorious team. Clearly someone is losing... how can it be easy if you lose?


I don't think people get stuck in silver in LoL because they lack "physical skill". In my experience they lack the ability to communicate strategies effectively to their teammates.

Of course it's not because they lack "physical skill", because "physical skill" matters very little in LoL in comparison to other games, especially at silver. And it isn't because they can't properly communicate. Before I stopped playing I leveled multiple accounts to diamond 1 and I can tell you why silvers are "bad", it's for multiple reasons, the most important being:

  • Mechanically bad (trouble with last hitting, etc.)
  • Do not know viable strategies, and if they do, they don't know how to execute them properly in a way that will benefit them
  • Lack of general game knowledge (horribly losing even matchups or losing matchups they should have won by a landslide, due to not knowing the advantages and disadvantages of those matchups)
  • Terribad decision making (ex. do baron after an ace instead of pushing)

I've won 80% of my games in silver just by pinging voraciously, because it's way more effective than telling them what to do. They just don't know or don't care, either because of arrogance or stupidity. Communication isn't needed to win a game unless you are playing at the highest levels, and even then I won games where there was minimal chatting due to everyone not being braindead.

The reason people get stuck is because communication skills do not arise from repeated bot games where team strategy is unnecessary, or games where people don't care enough to use strats.

No, not even close. Put a silver player in a 1v1 lane vs a master player and see how he does. That will demonstrate that there are a lot more important game factors (listed above) that dictate how it would go, communication skill has nothing to do with it. You're also assuming that 1) silver players know what strategies to use and 2) if they do, they can execute them correctly. Both are far off, I can't tell you how many times I've seen a silver retard try to split push because he saw it on a stream, but completely misses the fact that it can be done only under certain circumstances, such as champion pick, position of enemy team, and the state of your team in the game. This falls under the lack of game knowledge they have - they can't properly execute any viable strategies (if they even had one) because they assume that just knowing what to do is enough - you have to know how to do it.

It's also easy to learn individual heroes just by playing them so organizing your learning is easy to do.

It's easy to "learn" them, but not as easy to actually play them good. Do you think that just by playing a certain hero, you'll gain an epiphany and after one week you'll know all the ins and outs?

And Dota is also a lot less popular than LoL so clearly the feeling of progress is what drives many gamers.

The reason DOTA is a lot less popular than LoL is because it's 1) harder to get into, 2) harder to play properly. There are a lot less forgiving mechanics in DOTA than there are in LoL.

Tell them to improve their strategies, play smarter, and they'll be glad to comply. Teach them strategy A, strategy B, strategy C and they can count what they learn one by one.

Of course, in theory, just by telling someone what to do, they'll suddenly become good at it. In practice, not so much.

But tell them to aim better? Sure, if you can get them to download an aim map and practice for a few hours each day

Usually, yeah

but they just want to have fun and play the game.

So why do they care about aiming better, if they were having much fun beforehand?

And at the end of the session will they actually hit the target, or will they merely get a few millimeters closer to doing so? They can't tell the difference if a miss is a miss.

I don't know what you're talking about.

But it's a basic skill, and these types of things are what I normally use to determine if a game is forgiving or unforgiving

These types of things are very rudimentary and your understanding of them is naive at best. While it doesn't take a genius to see which games is more forgiving, it takes an idiot to explain why in reductionist terms.

LoL is forgiving: Last hitting is easy and the enemy can only take that gold away from you if they threaten you effectively enough, and even then you could hug your tower and wait for the wave to push.

Not if your opponent isn't terrible. Not sure what level you're playing at (my guess is you are not higher than Gold 5), but any opponent that forces you to camp under tower has already won the lane. If he is worth his salt, he will hold the advantage and continuously keep zoning you from the creeps, if he suddenly pushes it, he just gave up his hard earned advantage. You should not dictate how forgiving or unforgiving a game truly is if your vision of it is warped by shit players.

Dota 2 is less forgiving: denial of creeps and the towers won't really protect you that much.

Because they throw advantages away in Dota 2 too.. if you're playing at shit MMR, that is.

CS:GO is the absolute epitome of unforgiving: the faster headshot will survive.

Has literally nothing to do with your warped examples of MOBAs.

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