PD command has stopped enforcing 5 man cop rule

This is a good point that Kylie has also brought up.

I've seen her and other people suggest that a good way to incentivize people to not burn out on cop, outside of trying to curb the OOC reasons for burnout that goes along with playing, is to add more certifications and tangible goals to aim for within the PD and more "toys" to go along with those things.

Cause as of now the only certs that mean anything are flying and FTO. K9 is scuffy as fuck with outdated mechanics. SWAT got outdated with 762 becoming standard. Unmarked/UC work is extremely limited with the current SOPs unless you're Soze or Andrews.

Interceptor is a good first step. But there could be more and there could be progression to it. i.e. More cars to aim for that you could "unlock" progressively along the interceptor cert line. Maybe things like cops being able to respond to calls/pursuits in unmarked vehicles if they've proven themselves enough in investigations. More combative tools along the SWAT cert line, like more gun variety or something analogous (but not as strong as) coke/joints for armor. There's a lot they could do.

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