Peak Reddit.

Holy shit you guys, can you imagine just how good that felt to whoever took the time to write it out on a keyboard? It must be awesome to be so thoroughly committed to an alternate reality that you’re willing to believe any of those things are actually true or resemble reality. I don’t believe in white nationalism, I don’t believe that there is anything inherently superior to my shade of melanin than anybody else’s. It was the profound idea that we are all equally worthless that made America great. We made mistakes, we oppressed people but we acknowledged those sins and literally fought the bloodiest war in our nation’s history to preserve the idea that freedom isn’t derived from skin color. America has always been proud to be a mutt nation and our mutt heritage is what gave us strength. Shame on you liberal America for making it purely based on skin color again. Shame on you for making me think that my son and daughter may not have the same opportunities that I was afforded based upon a flawed ideology that makes your ancestors struggles more important than any other factor. Shame on you for simultaneously championing women’s rights and also giving special privileges to men who identify as women. Shame on you for calling everyone who disagrees you racist. /rant, fuck it, I hate politics

/r/The_Donald Thread Link -