Pedo calls out pedo, gets called a pedo in SRS

Bi, sexually lean towards men but dont dislike women or anything and tend to lean towards them for LTR simply because getting a bio kid with a partner is really important for me. Its not a cultural thing for the record, my family does not give a fuck and we are vanilla Americans culturally, its just a personal thing. Whats even weirder is I also want to adopt but I dont fucking know. And it sucks having to choose between life fulfillment or sexual, which is why I consider it a mental illness, even though there is not anything wrong with me. It fucks me up on the inside emotionally, just like autism can fuck somebody up but does not necessarily have to. Being gay is totally fine and should not be a problem, but I dislike this move towards making it a non issue. I feel like its a lot like what happened with black people post civil rights, we tried to treat them as white people rather than being like yo you guys come from a different experience but you guys are equals and there is nothing wrong with that like we are moving toward today.

I know this differentiation is hard to make, hell maybe mental illness is not the best of words, but treating it just like homosexuality is fundamentally very disrespectful in my opinion. And its not like I want special treatment, I want to be ok as well, but I dont fucking know this shit is what you expect with movements for civil rights but we have progress still. But being gay will always be hard for some people and can effect people negatively, which is why I consider it a mental illness, but there is nothing wrong with mental illnesses by themselves (obviously fucking up yourself or others make it the issue) and there is nothing negative (maybe that is not the right word, but general sentiment) about being gay.

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