Pedophiles who are trying to get help are brave.

The problem with everyone's thinking here is that they believe attraction to children is a purely biological phenomenon that is separate from who a person is. In other words, there is a clean, complete separation between a person's mind (composed of thoughts, emotions, etc, the intelligent part of someone, their character, their personality) and their sexual desires. As if a pedophile feels sexual attraction to kids and thinks "What the hell is wrong with me!?"

But this isn't the case. A pedophile's sexual attraction starts from their minds, so it's part of who they actually are, their character, their being. This is the case because of this critical truth: children are a concept, an idea, that is on a higher level than sexual drive or desire (obviously). The concept of children resides in the domain of the mind.

So, when a pedophile feels sexual attraction towards children, it must go like this: first, we have pedophiles fully conceiving of what a child is, they fully understand and are fully conscious of the fact that a child is a growing human being that is innocent, playful, powerless, vulnerable, naive... and because of what children are (by definition), they want to sexually abuse/rape them. Them being biologically turned on is a mere side-effect of what's going on on a higher level. Who they are is a being which wants to rape something that's innocent and powerless, because they like that idea. So the pedophile asking "What the hell is wrong with me!?" is the one actually thinking "But I can't help thinking of cornering that kid... mentally manipulating him because it's oh-so-easy... he can't do anything about it, he's not strong enough, and it's precisely because of that that he drives me crazy." This is simply how a pedophile thinks, and is the reason why they're rightly labeled by society as creepy as fuck.

So the critical takeaway here is: pedophilia is a HIGHER-LEVEL phenomenon. It is PART of someone's personality and identity. And feelings of physical sexual attraction occur because of what is going on on the mental plane.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread