Peking is from the now incorrect Wade-Giles romanization scheme. Also, it doesn’t even sound like Chinese!

You want to chide me for assuming it was relevant to our discussion about transliteration systems, but I don't think that's very fair.

The reason I responded that way is because I could only read "why are you stuck on this" and "so what?" as confrontational. This irritated me because you had also made your own aside which I intended to add to. Perhaps I should have quoted that and not what was written above it, but even before that we were agreeing on that line of thought. IE: I interpreted it to be a random change in tone, more or less.

This strikes me as an overreaction, but it's your choice.

Nothing to do with this really, I had already done it before I replied to that. I got a ton of upvotes and I didn't really want to have something I said that's wrong be highly upvoted. That's also why I only responded to the English thing.

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