Pelosi, Maloney Joined by 173 House Democrats in Calling on Postmaster General to Reverse Assault on Postal Service

The recent years have really magnified (at least for me) the divide in our country. It’s to the point where it doesn’t matter who’s elected, only the party they represent. I don’t believe either party has the American people’s best interests in mind, only their own. Politicians have only one goal, re-election. To do so they will vote with their party on nearly everything as long as they support them. Because of this, can we truly call America a democracy? Checks and balances work in theory. Until you realize that whoever controls the house or the senate can push their own agenda. We are not electing a person as our president, we are electing the figurehead of an organization. This is the downfall of the two party system. If you think about it we have been electing the same two people for ages, Democrat and Republican. The only differences are the problems that present themselves while one is in control, for them to make their policies about. One party will complain until their candidate is elected. They don’t care who the candidate is, they just want their candidate. I disagree with a lot of stuff Trump has done in office, but I was baffled when Democrats thought impeaching him was going to do anything. Pence would be president. He would follow many of the same policies Trump would. Were democrats going to impeach him too so Pelosi would be president? That would have been the fastest way to get their party president. Then what? She would probably have been the democratic nominee as the incumbent usually wins the party’s nomination. There is another issue with the current election model. The only way to become president is to win the nomination of one of two parties. Therefore forcing yourself to abide to their policies. If you do something they don’t like, boom you lose your chance and they pick someone else. They pick the person they think has the best chance of being elected. Cause that’s all they care about. We are stuck in a loop of electing the same two people come election time every four years. How do we get break the cycle? We can’t. The only people that can change that is our government but they rely on the party’s for their jobs so they would never try to get rid of the parties or they would be abandoned by their party and likely lose their spot in office. People have been talking about ranked choice voting which would be an improvement. For example I very strongly disagree with some things Trump has done as well as some things Biden wants to do. Who should I vote for? Voting for anyone else is meaningless as they have no chance of winning. If you’re sitting there thinking “what do you mean 3rd parties have gotten votes they could win.” How willing would you be to bet on that? If people could rank the candidates they like people might actually vote for someone who wasn’t one of the two parties. The problem is getting the government to change it. The government is the two parties. Why would the parties want it changed? It decreases their chance of reelection. I know this sounds pretty conspiracy theoryish, but think about it. I am not Republican nor Democrat just a person with hope.

TL;DR The government is a game of monopoly and right now there’s only two people playing.

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