Pennsylvania Pipelines Bursts, Leaks 55,000 Gallons Of Gas Into One Of US’ Most Endangered Rivers

  • It didn't burst.
  • It wasn't just "heavy rain" it was catastrophic record-setting flooding
  • Where else are they doing to put a pipeline; indoors?

My point being, in this kind of flooding all manner of stuff is going to get flushed into the water ways. While 55,000 gallons seems like a lot, all creditable news articles I've found (from places other than this click-bait hype site) say the fail-safes for the pipeline worked as designed preventing a larger leak and that no permanent damaged to drinking water, other than usual temporary post-flood contaminates, was done.

Don't get me wrong, I am not really "pro-pipeline" other than the safety record of pipelines being much better than shipping high quantiles of fluids via truck or rail. These kinds of articles would be absurd if it was like "let's condemn all automobiles because my car left a small stain in the driveway." Shit happens. Nothing is 100% safe. It's about perspective in a much larger picture. As I said, let's stow the pitchforks and not get our panties in a twist over some over sensationalized hype-piece form a click-bait faux-news site.

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