The Pentagon spends 5 times more on Viagra than transgender services kidding geniuses. Judging the military together as a whole transgender treatments are less than a rounding error in proportion to other expenses. Per person they're tremendously expensive.

50% of the population is male and men are over represented in the military. And erectile dysfunction is a pretty common thing, especially with age. And a cheap pill called viagra is usually all it takes to resolve it.

I'm not being disrespectful to trans people but they're pretty rare, less than 1% of the population and I bet they're even more rare among veterans. And treatments can be very intense and tremendously expensive, hormones, surgeries, etc. It's also far less understood than ED so depending on who you talk to the treatments may be considered a little bit on the fringe/experimental side -- meaning risky and expensive in the legal sense too.

If you're trans do what you want with your body, I'm not judging you. Doesn't mean it should be a priority for national security though.

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