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This is much more than a guideline to me and the op... this is the more serious side of things you will see here. You are damn right i came hot, thats passion and feeling. I have no filter when it comes to this... i missed no point, i understand exactly where your coming from like any person who has tried to be rational to people like op and myself. I defended the real fucking issue. Understand the difference. The second you think you know everything... (that includes how to respond) you stop learning. Im literally helping you learn real issues in your face that you deviled in and your worried about sub guidelines... bud... we are here... we want answers... they might just be found in some fucking sub reddit post by chance... thats the chance we hope for, its a final reach for some. My goal was dont fucking throw shade or judge because someones weaker than you, this was a chance, a reach for someone, and you threw guidelines in his fucking face okay? Dont beat yourself up but in the future, understand he didnt have the emotional energy to deal with your shit either. I always fucking will. Someone has to fight for our shit.

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